Coronavirus Guidance for Businesses & Employers
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak presents a significant challenge to businesses around the globe. The UK government and the devolved administrations, including the health and social care systems, have planned extensively over the years for an event like this, and the UK is therefore well prepared to respond in a way that offers substantial protection.

Businesses in the UK who have been affected, or feel they are likely to be affected by Coronavirus, are urged to seek advice and the government has supplied a series of resources to inform employers on the latest developments and advise on protecting themselves and their employees.

Find Guidance for Employers & Businesses

The government and health services are currently working to a phased approach. To find out more about this phased approach Click Here.

The CW LEP Growth Hub team are keeping up to date with developments and are fully prepared to advise businesses in the area, in whatever capacity we can. If you feel your business has been affected by coronavirus, whether you are experiencing supply chain issues, order or booking cancellations, a reduction in sales, or any other challenge, we would urge you to get in touch.

To let us know the challenges you are facing, or to arrange a call from one of the team, please complete this short Coronavirus Impact Survey. The details you provide about the effects Coronavirus is having on your business will be communicated to the government and help to formulate further guidance and support for UK businesses.
There are additional resources available at the Growth Hub’s dedicated Coronavirus Information Page, where information is updated on a regular basis and further links and reading can be found.

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